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Professional Growth

The LSAMP Undergraduate Research Program required me to present my research at the end of the program as well as write a formal, scientific research paper. These requirements really helped me to grow professionally in my field because they forced us to learn how to  formally present my research. This also helped my professional growth by teaching me important lab skills that I will need later on in my career. I can also use what I learned in this program in my classes and future lab internships. 

The image below is the most recent version of my research poster. I chose to upload this image because I think that it really shows the level of professionalism that I learned through this program. As you can see, this poster is very complex, and I am proud that because of the program, I have the skills to create others like it. Also, working with others in my lab allowed me to learn the most effective way to represent my results in figures, and I am glad that I was able to learn the skills needed to create figures like that. To view the full poster, you can click the "see full poster" button below. 

Professional Growth: About
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